
I like the way my house smells I like the sounds these people make I like the way the wind hits the street I like the way Walgreens looks from my driveway with light missing from the L, it reads “Wagreens” which sounds like Maureen and I find great, great comfort and humor in this all I can think about are colors specifically sunsets but also dusk but also a cool and sunny 3pm, like in the shade of a tree at a park with soft grass, the way green there can be 600 different shades of itself in less than 6 hours, the way everything slips through me how desperate I am to hold onto things that feel good how that desperation just makes them slip faster if it were up to me it would be this way forever I like the stillness I like the understanding I like the agreement we have all come to that for now we will wait I don’t miss my friends I didn’t have any, I’ve made more friends in the last two months than I did in the last year I see everyone I love I walk my dog I steal filet mignon from sprouts and cook it for myself and fall asleep smiling because I get to do it all again tomorrow I take lines of ketamine fatter than a cigarette and bike in circles around the town until laying down sounds better and then I lay in grass and watch the sky and wonder if there is a maximum height for a bird to poop like if it is 2000 feet in the air maybe it won’t poop because it won’t hit anything I think about these things till the sun is gone and then I go home and I smile at my neighbor I go in my room i light a candle I don’t finish the sopranos I do anything I can to avoid finishing the sopranos i take a shower I eat ice cream in bed I do pushups and flex in the mirror I listen to music I have been meaning to listen to for years I google “if a bird poops from 2000 feet in the air will the poop disintegrate before it gets to earth” and then “do birds have to poop on something or do they just poop” it doesn’t matter it’s all mine it’s all up to me life has never been this good 


  1. love this + feel flickers of these feelings sometimes, 2
    I love the name Maureen
    also hi again Sprouts

  2. yes to shades of green (and poop disintegration thought spirals)

  3. w o w yes how that desperation just makes them slip faster </3


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